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Masta Shake   My Favorite Links

My e-mail

Friend's sytes

Miguel's 1st syte

Miguel's 1st syte, he made it when he was 10.

Miguel's 2nd syte

Miguel's 2nd syte.

Jagdish's syte

This is a syte all about wrestling.

NFL Champs

This is a syte about football and other crap.

Game links

Cheat Planet

Good cheat syte 4 all systems.

Game Spot

Good for all game info.

Game Revolution

Good all around gaming syte.

  Other Sytes__________________________________

Hot Mail

A place were you can check ur mail,if you have a hotmail account.

Adult Swim

A syte on Adult Swim,like the shows & stuff.


A whole web syte on ATHF.