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This is the ATHF Team.

This is their logo.

This is FryLock.He's the smart one.

This is Masta Shake,also known as Shakzula.He's the stupid funny one.

This is Meat Wad.He's the kid of the group(he's not so smart & Shake is a bad influence on him).

This is Caral,he lives nextdoor to them & he hates them.So he wants them to leve him alone.

These are two evil guys that want to kill the Aqua Teens.The Green one's name is Ignignokt.He is the leader of the moonintes.The Pink one's name is Err.Err is Ignignokt's sidekick.

His name is Dr Weird.He is the half cocked scientist that is constantly creating the things that end up terrorizing New Jersey. He can't seem to keep his inventions contained, and one way or another ends up giving the Aqua Teens trouble.